Sunday, June 29, 2008


Notice the new poll on your left. That's VERY important. Please vote on that. Poll ends on the 23rd of December

Friday, June 27, 2008

Comic Relief 2009

Okay, so I know it's a long time off, but I know what I'm doing for Comic Relief next year. This...

Also there will be small bits of PDW playing set entirely in the TARDIS. It'll only be a few minutes. 3 at most.

Updates will follow

Thursday, June 26, 2008

DW:TWC update

hello, The artist formally known as Dan here.

Here is the Art work for The web comic staring with the 11th DoctorThen Alex Metts
And finally Millie Lambert

Sunday, June 08, 2008


Long time, no post

anyway this is just an update saying that 8 episodes are scripted and ready. Basically means 4 left to finish. The big trailer (with voices) has a approximate release date of 1st July so look out for that. So anyway I leave you with a snippet from episode 1

Rebecca: tell me, if we want to avoid him so much why don’t we just leave?

Doctor: we still have a few more minutes to pad out

Rebecca; it’s always the minutes.

Doctor: here he comes

[Richard arrives holding a wad of cash]

Richard: oh boy, platform shoes here I come. Anything to add more height to my ludicrously shaped body.

[Spots the doctor]

Richard: Oh my Jedi!

Where the magic happens. If by magic you mean comedy and terrible animation.