Saturday, January 16, 2010

5 Glorious Minutes!

'For five glorious beautiful awe inspiring (okay maybe not awe inspiring) minutes, PDW was up.

Then the Nazis descended and decided that the theme I'm using (Pruit Igoe and prophecies by Philip Glass) is property of WMG and therefore too good for the likes of me (I believe riff-raff is the official term) and blocked the sound. I've taken it down and have replaced the theme with some sample music from my computer (I forget the name). it will be up as soon as I get the opportunity (as soon as i see a good upload speed)

And i swear to god, if YouTube blocks this I'm closing the account and going elsewhere. I don't want to be censored but I also don't want to stop, its too darn fun to stop :D

On another note, series 3 might actually be funny. That'll be a novelty...

Where the magic happens. If by magic you mean comedy and terrible animation.